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| {% import ( "{{{ .Package }}}/app" "{{{ .Package }}}/app/controller/cutil" "{{{ .Package }}}/app/lib/theme" "{{{ .Package }}}/app/util" "{{{ .Package }}}/views/components" "{{{ .Package }}}/views/layout" ) %}
{% code type Edit struct { layout.Basic Theme *theme.Theme Icon string Exists bool } %}
{% func (p *Edit) Body(as *app.State, ps *cutil.PageState) %} <form action="/theme/save" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="originalKey" value="{%s p.Theme.Key %}" /> <div class="card"> <div class="right"> {%- if p.Exists -%} <a href="/theme/{%s p.Theme.Key %}/remove" class="link-confirm" data-message="Are you sure you wish to delete the [{%s p.Theme.Key %}] theme?"><button type="button">Remove</button></a> {%- else -%} <em>built-in</em> {%- endif -%} <a href="#modal-theme"><button type="button">JSON</button></a> </div> <h3>{% if p.Theme.Key == theme.KeyNew %}New Theme{% else %}Theme Edit{% endif %}</h3> <div class="overflow full-width"> <table class="mt expanded"> <tbody> {%= components.TableInput("key", "", "Key", p.Theme.Key, 5) %} </tbody> </table> </div> </div> {%= Editor("Theme [" + p.Theme.Key + "]", util.AppName, p.Theme, p.Icon, as, ps) %} <div class="card"> <button type="submit">Save All Changes</button> <a href="/theme/{%u p.Theme.Key %}"><button type="button">Reset</button></a> </div> </form> {%= components.JSONModal("theme", "Theme JSON", p.Theme, 1) %} {% endfunc %}