Form Helpers

components for building forms backed by Golang data

HTML input template helpers. You’ll need to import views/components at the top of your template.

The component that renders a normal HTML input field is named FormInput. For each component, alternate version or available, such as TableInput for table-based form fields, and FormVerticalInput for a vertical stacked form.

// name of the form field
var key = "name"

// optional DOM element id
var id = "input-name"

// value for the input, type varies
var value = obj.Field

// only used for some inputs, shows when value is empty
var placeholder = "Type Stuff"

Basic text input, string value

{%= components.FormInput(key, id, value, placeholder) %}

Password input, string value (hidden in UI)

{%= components.FormInputPassword(key, id, value, placeholder) %}

Integer number input, value can be any scalar type

{%= components.FormInputNumber(key, id, value, placeholder) %}

Integer number input, value can be any scalar type

{%= components.FormInputFloat(key, id, value, placeholder) %}

Date and time input, value is *time.Time

{%= components.FormInputTimestamp(key, id, value, placeholder) %}

Date input (no time component), value is *time.Time

{%= components.FormInputTimestampDay(key, id, value, placeholder) %}

UUID input, *uuid.UUID value

{%= components.FormInputUUID(key, id, value, placeholder) %}

Multi-line text input via HTML textarea, string value

{%= components.FormTextarea(key, id, value, placeholder) %}

X input, string value

{%= components.FormInputX(key, id, value, placeholder) %}

Single-choice select, string value, accepts []string for options and titles

{%= components.FormSelect(key, id, value, opts, titles, placeholder) %}

Autocompleted text input, string value, accepts []string for options and titles, allows all inputs

{%= components.FormDatalist(key, id, value, opts, titles, placeholder) %}

Single-choice radio inputs, string value, accepts []string for options and titles

{%= components.FormRadio(key, value, opts, titles, indent) %}

Multiple-choice checkbox inputs, []string values, accepts []string for options and titles

{%= components.FormCheckbox(key, values, opts, titles, indent) %}