1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
| {% import ( "{{{ .Package }}}/app" "{{{ .Package }}}/app/controller/cutil"{{{ if .HasAccount }}} "{{{ .Package }}}/app/lib/user"{{{ end }}} "{{{ .Package }}}/app/util" "{{{ .Package }}}/views/components" "{{{ .Package }}}/views/layout"{{{ if.HasAccount }}} "{{{ .Package }}}/views/vauth"{{{ end }}} ) %}
{% code type Settings struct { layout.Basic{{{ if .HasAccount }}} Perms user.Permissions{{{ end }}} } %}
{% func (p *Settings) Body(as *app.State, ps *cutil.PageState) %} <div class="card"> {%- if util.AppSource != "" -%} <div class="right"><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="{%s util.AppSource %}"><button>Github</button></a></div> {%- endif -%} <h3 title="github:{%s as.BuildInfo.Commit %}">{%= components.SVGRefIcon(`cog`, ps) %}{%s util.AppName %} {%s as.BuildInfo.String() %}</h3> {%- if util.AppLegal != "" -%} <div class="mt">{%s= util.AppLegal %}</div> {%- endif -%} {%- if util.AppURL != "" -%} <p><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="{%s= util.AppURL %}">{%s= util.AppURL %}</a></p> {%- endif -%} </div>{{{ if.HasModule "audit" }}}
<div class="card"> <h3>Audits</h3> <ul class="mt"> <li><a href="/admin/audit">{%= components.SVGRefIcon(`cog`, ps) %}View audit logs</a></li> </ul> </div>{{{ end }}}{{{ if.HasModule "databaseui" }}}
<div class="card"> <h3>{%= components.SVGRefIcon(`database`, ps) %}Database Management</h3> <ul class="mt"> <li><a href="/admin/database">Database management</a></li> </ul> </div>{{{ end }}}
<div class="card"> <h3>{%= components.SVGRefIcon(`archive`, ps) %}Admin Functions</h3> {%= settingsLink("/admin/server", "archive", "App Information", "All sorts of info about the server and runtime", ps) %} {%= settingsLink("/admin/modules", "archive", "Go Modules", "The Go modules used by " + util.AppName, ps) %}{{{ if.HasModule "migration" }}} {%= settingsLink("/admin/migrations", "archive", "Database Migrations", "Shows the full content of all database SQL migrations", ps) %}{{{ end }}}{{{ if .HasModule "queue" }}} {%= settingsLink("/admin/queue", "archive", "Queue Statistics", "Manages the queue consumers and producers", ps) %}{{{ end }}} {%= settingsLink("/theme", "archive", "Edit Themes", "Configure the design themes available to end users", ps) %}{{{ if .HasModule "process" }}} {%= settingsLink("/admin/exec", "archive", "Managed Processes", "Manage OS processes from within this app", ps) %}{{{ end }}}{{{ if .HasModule "scripting" }}} {%= settingsLink("/admin/scripting", "archive", "Script Files", "View and run the JavaScript files managed by the server", ps) %}{{{ end }}} {%= settingsLink("/admin/logs", "archive", "Recent Logs", "Displays the 100 most recent app logs", ps) %} <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="card"> <h3>{%= components.SVGRefIcon(`bolt`, ps) %}HTTP Methods</h3> {%= settingsLink("/admin/sitemap", "bolt", "Sitemap", "Displays the HTTP actions that are available, with documentation", ps) %} {%= settingsLink("/admin/routes", "bolt", "HTTP routes", "Enumerates all registered HTTP routes, by method", ps) %} {%= settingsLink("/admin/session", "bolt", "User Session", "View the user session, including all cookies and settings", ps) %} {%= settingsLink("/admin/request", "bolt", "Debug HTTP Request", "Full debug view of an HTTP request from your browser", ps) %}{{{ if .HasModule "websocket" }}} {%= settingsLink("/admin/sockets", "bolt", "Active WebSockets", "Manage the active WebSockets in this server", ps) %}{{{ end }}} <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="card"> <h3>{%= components.SVGRefIcon(`cog`, ps) %}App Profiling</h3> {%= settingsLink("/admin/memusage", "cog", "Memory Usage", "Detailed memory usage statistics", ps) %} {%= settingsLink("/admin/gc", "cog", "Collect Garbage", "Runs the Go garbage collector", ps) %} {%= settingsLink("/admin/heap", "cog", "Write Memory Dump", "Writes a memory dump to <em>./tmp/mem.pprof</em>, use script to view", ps) %} {%= settingsLink("/admin/cpu/start", "cog", "Start CPU Profile", "Profiles the CPU using <em>./tmp/cpu.pprof</em>, use script to view", ps) %} {%= settingsLink("/admin/cpu/stop", "cog", "Stop CPU Profile", "Stops the active CPU profile", ps) %} <div class="clear"></div> </div>{{{ if.HasAccount }}}
{%= vauth.Authentication(as, ps) %}
{%= vauth.Permissions(p.Perms, as) %}{{{ end }}} {% endfunc %}
{% func settingsLink(href string, icon string, title string, description string, ps *cutil.PageState) %}{% stripspace %} <hr class="clear" /> <div class="mts"> <a href="{%s href %}"><strong>{%s title %}</strong></a> <div><em>{%s= description %}</em></div> </div> {% endstripspace %}{% endfunc %}