1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
| {% import ( "github.com/valyala/fasthttp"
"{{{ .Package }}}/app/controller/cutil" "{{{ .Package }}}/app/lib/filter" ) %}
{% func TableHeader(section string, key string, title string, params *filter.Params, icon string, u *fasthttp.URI, tooltip string, sortable bool, cls string, resizable bool, ps *cutil.PageState) %}{% stripspace %} <th class="{% if cls != `` %}{%s cls %}{% space %}{% endif %}no-padding" scope="col"> <div class="{% if resizable %}resize{% else %}noresize{% endif %}"> {% if !sortable %} <div title="{%s tooltip %}"> {% if icon != "" %} {% space %} {%= SVGRef(icon, 16, 16, "icon-block", ps) %} {% endif %} {%s title %} </div> {% elseif params == nil %} {%= thNormal(section, key, title, params, icon, u, tooltip, ps) %} {% else %} {%code o := params.GetOrdering(key) %} {% if o == nil %} {%= thNormal(section, key, title, params, icon, u, tooltip, ps) %} {% else %} {%= thSorted(o.Asc, section, key, title, params, icon, u, tooltip, ps) %} {% endif %} {% endif %} </div> </th> {% endstripspace %}{% endfunc %}
{% func TableHeaderSimple(section string, key string, title string, tooltip string, params *filter.Params, u *fasthttp.URI, ps *cutil.PageState) %}{% stripspace %} {%= TableHeader(section, key, title, params, "", u, tooltip, u != nil, "", false, ps) %} {% endstripspace %}{% endfunc %}
{% func thNormal(section string, key string, title string, params *filter.Params, icon string, u *fasthttp.URI, tooltip string, ps *cutil.PageState) %}{% stripspace %} <a class="sort-hover" href="?{%s= params.CloneOrdering(&filter.Ordering{Column: key, Asc: true}).ToQueryString(u) %}" title="{%s tooltip %}"> <div class="sort-icon" title="click to sort by this column, ascending">{%= SVGRef(`down`, 0, 0, ``, ps) %}</div> <div class="sort-title"> {% if icon != "" %} {% space %} {%= SVGRef(icon, 16, 16, "icon-block", ps) %} {% endif %} {%s title %} </div> </a> {% endstripspace %}{% endfunc %}
{% func thSorted(asc bool, section string, key string, title string, params *filter.Params, icon string, u *fasthttp.URI, tooltip string, ps *cutil.PageState) %}{% stripspace %} {% code ascStr := "ascending" dirStr := "up" if(asc) { ascStr = "descending" dirStr = "down" } %} <a href="?{%s= params.CloneOrdering(&filter.Ordering{Column: key, Asc: !asc}).ToQueryString(u) %}" title="{%s tooltip %}"> <div class="sort-icon" title="click to sort by this column,{% space %}{%s ascStr %}">{%= SVGRef(dirStr, 0, 0, ``, ps) %}</div> <div class="sort-title"> {% if icon != "" %} {% space %} {%= SVGRef(icon, 16, 16, "icon-block", ps) %} {% endif %} {%s title %} </div> </a> {% endstripspace %}{% endfunc %}