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| package cmd
import ( "fmt"
"{{{ .Package }}}/app/util" )
func rootF(*coral.Command, []string) error { // $PF_SECTION_START(rootAction)$ return startServer(_flags) // $PF_SECTION_END(rootAction)$ }
func rootCmd() *coral.Command { short := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s - %s", util.AppName, _buildInfo.Version, util.AppSummary) ret := &coral.Command{Use: util.AppKey, Short: short, RunE: rootF} ret.AddCommand(serverCmd(){{{ if .HasModule "marketing" }}}, siteCmd(), allCmd(){{{ end }}}{{{ if .HasModule "migration" }}}, migrateCmd(){{{ end }}}{{{ if .HasModule "upgrade" }}}, upgradeCmd(){{{ end }}}{{{ if .HasModule "wasmserver" }}}, wasmCmd(){{{ end }}}) // $PF_SECTION_START(cmds)$ - Add your commands here by calling ret.AddCommand // $PF_SECTION_END(cmds)$ ret.AddCommand(versionCmd())
ret.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&_flags.ConfigDir, "dir", "d", "", "directory for configuration, defaults to system config dir") ret.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&_flags.Debug, "verbose", "v", false, "enables verbose logging and additional checks") ret.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&_flags.Address, "addr", "a", "", "address to listen on, defaults to []") ret.PersistentFlags().Uint16VarP(&_flags.Port, "port", "p", util.AppPort, fmt.Sprintf("port to listen on, defaults to [%d]", util.AppPort))
return ret }