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| { "name": "Core", "icon": "cog", "description": "Provides common utilities for a Go application", "authorName": "Kyle U", "authorEmail": "kyle@kyleu.com", "license": "CC0", "sourcecode": "https://github.com/kyleu/projectforge/tree/master/module/core", "configVars": [ { "key": "app_display_name_append", "type": "string", "description": "added to the end of the UI title" }, { "key": "app_display_name", "type": "string", "description": "replaces the UI title" }, { "key": "controller_metrics_disabled", "type": "bool", "description": "when set, skips metrics for controller methods" }, { "key": "logging_format", "type": "string", "description": "When set to `json`, forces the logging format" }, { "key": "logging_level", "type": "string", "description": "minimum logging level to display, one of [`debug`, `info`, `warn`, `error`]" }, { "key": "telemetry_disabled", "type": "bool", "description": "when set, disables all telemetry" }, { "key": "telemetry_endpoint", "type": "string", "description": "address of OpenTelemetry collector (when enabled), defaults to `localhost:55681`" }, { "key": "app_nav_color_light", "type": "string", "description": "sets the navigation color for users with light mode, defaults to theme color" }, { "key": "app_nav_color_dark", "type": "string", "description": "sets the navigation color for users with dark mode, defaults to theme color" }, { "key": "{key}_encryption_key", "type": "string", "description": "encryption key for web sessions, defaults to `{key}_secret`, warns if missing" } ] }