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| {% import ( "{{{ .Package }}}/app" "{{{ .Package }}}/app/controller/cutil" "{{{ .Package }}}/app/lib/audit" "{{{ .Package }}}/app/lib/filter" "{{{ .Package }}}/views/components" ) %}
{% func RecordTable(models audit.Records, params filter.ParamSet, as *app.State, ps *cutil.PageState) %} {%- code prms := params.Get("audit_record", nil, ps.Logger) -%} <div class="overflow full-width"> <table class="mt"> <thead> <tr> {%= components.TableHeaderSimple("audit_record", "id", "ID", "UUID in format (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)", prms, ps.URI, ps) %} {%= components.TableHeaderSimple("audit_record", "audit_id", "Audit ID", "UUID in format (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)", prms, ps.URI, ps) %} {%= components.TableHeaderSimple("audit_record", "t", "T", "Type of the target object", prms, ps.URI, ps) %} {%= components.TableHeaderSimple("audit_record", "pk", "Pk", "Primary key of the target object", prms, ps.URI, ps) %} {%= components.TableHeaderSimple("audit_record", "changes", "Changes", "Count of change", prms, ps.URI, ps) %} {%= components.TableHeaderSimple("audit_record", "metadata", "Metadata", "Count of metadata fields", prms, ps.URI, ps) %} {%= components.TableHeaderSimple("audit_record", "occurred", "Occurred", "Timestamp representing the time the event occurred", prms, ps.URI, ps) %} </tr> </thead> <tbody> {%- for _, model := range models -%} <tr> <td><a href="/admin/audit/record/{%= components.DisplayUUID(&model.ID) %}">{%= components.DisplayUUID(&model.ID) %}</a></td> <td> <div class="icon">{%= components.DisplayUUID(&model.AuditID) %}</div> <a title="Audit" href="{%s `/admin/audit/`+model.AuditID.String() %}">{%= components.SVGRefIcon("cog", ps) %}</a> </td> <td>{%s model.T %}</td> <td>{%s model.PK %}</td> <td>{%= components.DisplayDiffs(model.Changes) %}</td> <td>{%d len(model.Metadata) %}</td> <td>{%= components.DisplayTimestamp(&model.Occurred) %}</td> </tr> {%- endfor -%} </tbody> </table> </div> {% endfunc %}